So firstly, thank you for sitting down with us today Liz and helping Stormsaver to celebrate Women’s History Month.

Can you tell us about your career journey and what inspired you to pursue your career here at Stormsaver?

I’ve been here nine years now. I was made redundant so was on the search for something new and sent my CV out. I got a call from Future Prospects saying this company was looking for a sales consultant, and I thought it sounded interesting. I had never heard of rainwater harvesting before but thought it sounded great and really different. I came and interviewed for both maintenance and commercial, it was the most enjoyable interview I had ever had and got offered the job the same day. I was lucky enough to be offered both positions and chose to work in maintenance. I just really liked the place, it was very small back then, there was only four of us in maintenance and same with commercial and only three engineers.

I really enjoyed working in maintenance sales and got my teeth stuck into it and I saw the business expand in that first year. Towards the end of my first year, the team leader left, and I showed willingness to take on more responsibility which was appreciated by the management team. That became my journey into management.

We just grew from there to the size we are now. As we grew, I was managing different elements of the business – both schedulers and sales. When the decision was made to combine both sides of the business, I was given the choice between sales and operations and picked operations as I really enjoyed it. And the rest is history.

And even though it has grown, Stormsaver still has the family feel it did then. It’s a really great place to work.

Who are some of the women that have inspired you throughout your career?

Lisa Craven our Managing Director has been a big inspiration and mentor to me like she is to so many people. I find the things she has done and accomplished, not only at work but in life too, to be so inspiring. She does make you feel like you can do it all.

Along with that, other people here like Georgia Darby our Sales Team Leader, she is a great inspiration to me, even though she is still learning she has some amazing ideas, her passion and commitment shine through and she gives me that drive to go forward and be better.

We’ve got a good balance here of male and female and have some really strong women here who can help everyone.

How has Stormsaver shaped your leadership style?

Stormsaver has given me the freedom to find my own leadership style. I know what my objectives are, but I can achieve them how I want to. I have the freedom to try different things and see what works. Also, the people in your team dictate your leadership style. Some members need a lot of input and direction, others go it alone. It’s been really good to have the freedom to learn and grown within the role overtime. The company has supported me to do leadership training and my current post-graduate certificate which is centred around leadership and management. I just feel really grateful to work for such a supportive company.

What is the most rewarding part about being a leader?

It’s not necessarily when people do well, but its helping people. If they’ve had a tough day and you’ve helped them find their way or a resolution, then I think that is the most rewarding thing. Seeing other people thrive and take control of the hurdles that they are faced with.

What has kept you passionate about the water industry?

The fact that we are running out of it. When you think about the bigger picture of it and the difference we are trying to make. Water rationing might be a real thing, you might not be able to turn your taps on at certain times of the day. My whole life water has been a resource we have plenty of, you could leave your tap on all day if you liked. I just wonder what the future may look like, what will it look like for our children? It scares me a bit and I want to make a difference. Research shows that we can turn it around, so we need to make the change.

In your opinion how has the water industry changed, especially regarding women in leadership roles?

There is a lot more focus on women in leadership than there use to be. Women are a lot more respected than they use to be. Especially in this industry, which we are mainly dealing with construction and facility managers which are very male dominated

industries, which can be hard when you are a woman. It used to be that you weren’t respected, and no one wanted your opinion but that is starting to change. Over the last few years, you get a lot more women in those industries then you have seen before. It is changing for the better now.

What would you say have been some of the biggest challenges, if any, you have found working as a female leader in a male dominated industry?

I think it is respect. But respect is always earned, you don’t just get it because of the position you are in. As I have found in our little family here at Stormsaver, if you can prove yourself, show you can and have great knowledge and ideas then you will gain that respect and change people’s opinions. It is something we are all working towards as women not just in work but the outside world too.

What accomplishments or milestones in your career are you most proud of?

The biggest milestone to me was when I had my first child. My plan was: to have a baby, come back part time, keep this ticking over and work because I had to not because I wanted to. But then I had a baby, came back to work and thought ‘oh no I really like this’. That was so strange to me as I never thought I would be career driven, I wanted to be independent, I do want everything. It is often that the woman has to stay at home and take the foot off their career, but I showed to myself that I don’t have to do that. I am not just happy floating along; I am aiming higher and looking for bigger and better things.

In regard to achievements, getting the opportunity to do qualifications. I completed a course before I went on maternity leave, and it cemented to me that I know what I am doing, and I have the knowledge to carry on this path.

As sustainability is crucial in the water industry, how do you see women leading the charge on innovative solutions to address water scarcity, pollution and climate change?

I think women will play a big part in the coming years. There are more and more women going through STEM courses, qualifications, degrees and more women coming into STEM job roles. We are the best ones to do it and its great to see that change.

How do you think society can work towards uplifting and empowering women in leadership?

It’s a big one; society needs a mindset change. I went to a conference where Karen Brady was presenting, and she discussed how we need help with the home now. Women are still seen as the main one to take care of the home, but when you want to take on a career what happens at home? Society needs to understand that it is acceptable for women to go out and work and be successful, but we need that support to do so. If we want to have everything – career and family – all these things need support. Things such as childcare need to be more readily available to allow everyone to go back to work, things need to be more flexible in order for us all to succeed.

And finally, as we celebrate women’s history month, what legacy do you want to leave for future generations of women leaders?

The knowledge that you can do it. Women are great leaders; in fact, I think women can be better leaders sometimes. I want to be proof to those around me that you can do it, anything is possible if you put your mind to it.


Stormsaver is dedicated to hiring passionate individuals and helping them to progress their career. We foster a family-feel culture and encourage all members of our team to be the very best versions of themselves. If this sounds like a company you want to be apart of, have a look at our current job opportunities and become a vital team member of a company making a difference. 
 Water reuse specialist Paige Lowe
Paige Lowe
Marketing Executive

My role as Marketing Executive means I can stay up to date with the water reuse industry and be involved in the water conversation. My favourite water-saving technique is to listen to a song whilst showering to monitor your time.

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