rainwater harvesting engineer

Senior Technical Engineer - Andrew 

What is your role at Stormsaver?  Senior Technical Engineer... otherwise known as a Superhero!

How long have you been with the team? I started as a maintenance engineer in February 2013 but soon became the lead commissioning engineer for the company. I recently took on the role of Senior Technical Engineer, working to support all our customers from day one and for the life of the system.

What is the part of your job that you enjoy the most? I love it when I can leave a site knowing that yet another Stormsaver system is up and running successfully. Sometimes that means really mucking in with the contractors to make sure that everything is completed by the time I leave because sometimes the installation might not be complete when I arrive, but I always do my best to get the job done.

What is your favourite water saving tip? If your children want to play with the sprinkler in hot weather, give them a washing up bowl with water and cups instead. You will waste less and they will still have fun.

What is it about rainwater harvesting that excites you? I really believe that Stormsaver can make a difference and the way we approach water conservation is really exciting

And finally, a bit of fun. Share a YouTube clip with us that makes you laugh. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qPPciVYVLIQ

Constructionline Gold Member CHAS Accredited UK Rainwater Harvesting Association Member Safecontractor Approved Waterwise Affiliate UK Business Awards Winner 2022 Future Homes Hub